This is the Panerai Submersible Titanio PAM1305 Replica.The 1305 brought a few neat updates to the 305, without compromising the overall execution or design intent of the original. At 47mm, it’s certainly a big presence on the wrist. However, with my wrist size coming in at 6”, you’d be surprised to find it’s as easily…
Category: Panerai Luminor Submersible Replica
High Quality Panerai Luminor Submersible Replica Watches For Sale
This is a sturdy watch with a case diameter of approximately 60 mm. Even according to today’s standards, it is quite large. Fortunately, Panerai PAM01164 Replica is the smaller brother and is more wear-resistant at a reasonable size of 42 mm. The Submersible series is Panerai’s modern diving watch with a rotating bezel. In other…